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 Body Soul Dance is suitable for anyone who wishes to dance,   regardless of age, shape or prior experience. There are no steps to   learn, nothing to get right or wrong, no judgment.

 There is a field of energies, qualities, relationships and possibilities  that exist in us and in the world around us, to which we can connect  and experience through movement and dance.

 Dancing leads us to a heightened awareness of ourselves and

 of those around us, expands our movement vocabulary and develops  our ability for expression through movement.

 Through the dance we dive into our internal landscapes, giving   them  attention, expression, exploration and plenty of space to evolve.

 Through the dance we meet the external landscapes - the physical  space we dance in, the music, the group we are a part of, the other     right in front of us, alongside us, behind us. 

 Through the dance we give shape to the stories which live in     our   bodies and minds, we dance our dreams and longings, our joy and  our   pain. We allow everything that arises from within to be danced,    to   move us and move through us.

 Conscious dance practice leads to the integration of all the   dimensions  of our being - physical, emotional, mind & soul, it brings  us to be fully present in the moment and in our lives.

 My work and facilitation is based on and nourished by, the many   methods and bodies of knowledge in which I have trained and studied   over the last 25 years and am still studying as an eternal student.   These include Five Rhythms, Open Floor Movement Practice,

 Dance Therapy, Theater, Hakomi, Thomas Hubl work and more. 

 I have a full  weekly teaching schedule in my homeland Israel

 and I teach workshops internationally.


 Scroll down for my full teaching schedule in Israel and internationally.


 Open Floor International

 Open Floor International (OFI) is an international movement school  dedicated to creative experience, exploring and expanding on the  universal principles underlying all conscious movement disciplines:  why and how people heal through movement; what is the longing that  is expressed and met in the simple act of dancing, alone, with one  another, in a community.

 In Open Floor we move and include it all: our physical bodies as they  are in the moment; our feelings ,however we arrive on the dance floor  is  welcome; our thoughts and whatever mind state we might be in; 

 our  soul's yearning and vision. Every part of us is welcome on the  dance floor.

 We use movement and dance to open our attention to ourselves and  to   the group field, to enter our rich inner world as we engage in a  creative   relationship with the outer world and dive into a deep,  sweaty, playful   exploration working with different themes and core  movement   resources along with anything arising in the moment. 

 We dance our solo dances, we dance with partners, we dance with  the   group body, we dance with spirit. 

 Knowing that in the dance, as in life, we are hungry and longing for  different things at different times, and so we weave into our practice  deep listening and full permission to follow our deepest needs.

 Knowing life is dynamic and fluid, we practice through movement and  dance our abilities to move from fixed to fluid so that we can meet  life   fully present, responsive and awake.

 Open Floor International was founded by: 

 Kathy Altman, Lori Saltzman, Andrea Juhan and Vic Cooper

 in creative collaboration with a team of international teachers.

 I am  proud to be a part of that team. The school is run according to  the  principles of Dynamic Governance and there is a beautiful  and real   alignment between what we practice on the dance floor and  how we   work with each other, teach and do business.

 More on Open Floor:


 Five Rhythms

 Five Rhythms is a simple and powerful movement practice, in which  each one is a dancer. Five Rhythms was developed by Gabrielle  Roth   (1941-2012), a dancer, musician, theater director, writer,  philosopher   and "Urban  Shaman".

 The five rhythms are: Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness.

 The Five Rhythms weaved together create a wave of energy and  motion. Through these rhythms we evoke different qualities in  ourselves, we heighten our awareness, sharpen our expression,  release all that was tightly held, find joy, spontaneity, creativity  and our   inner balance and peaceful, steady center.  

 "Everything that is alive has a dance – your only task is to find and     express  yours" - Gabrielle Roth

 More on Five Rhythms:


 About Rivi Diamond

 The bare bones version

 I have been facilitating dance groups and workshops in Israel and  abroad for the past 20 years. I hold weekly classes, on-going groups,  and special workshops for the public and for organizations.

 I teach dance and movement courses for acting students in the  theatre   department at Tel-Aviv University, and previously taught  Dance   Movement Therapy to college students.

 ~ Founding Member and teacher at Open Floor International school
~ Five Rhythms teacher certified by Gabrielle Roth since 2008  

 ~ M.A., D.T.R. Dance/Movement Therapy since 1996

 ~ B.A. in Theater Arts

 ~ Certified Group Facilitator

 ~ Graduate of Hakomi Body-Mind Psychotherapy studies for  therapists

 The body & soul version 

 Conscious dance is my meditation and spiritual practice,  my medicine,   my calling, and fortunately, my profession! 

 I facilitate my groups with vibrancy, warmth, passion and compassion.

 There is no difference to me between what we practice on the dance  floor and how we go about living our daily lives. Both in the dance and  in every moment in our lives, we are called to practice being awake,  attuned, available and present.

 Movement, dance, play and creativity have always been centeral in  my   life. From early childhood through adulthood, I practiced  various types   of movement and dance modalities, as well as theater  and acting. 

 I completed a B.A. in Acting from Tel-Aviv University in1992  (and after more than 20 years I came back to that department as a  dance teacher!).

 I graduated with a Masters degree in Dance/Movement Therapy  From   Hahnemann University (Philadelphia) in 1996 and worked with  dance   as a means to deepen self awareness, growth and healing  both   through facilitating conscious dance classes for the  general  adult   population and through clinical work.

 As a Dance/Movement Therapist I worked with various populations of  all ages and in different settings, including: psychiatric hospitals,

 out- patient clinics, group homes, holocaust survivors and second  generation to the holocaust, and women dealing with cancer. 

 In 2002, I came across Five Rhythms, which was love at first sight!  Years later, I would follow some of my main teachers in the Five  Rhythms world and become a part of a team of well seasoned

 teachers  from around the world, developing Open Floor Movement  Practice and Open Floor International school.

 In these modalities of conscious dance I found what I had  always longed for - a way to move freely and spontaneously, while  giving expression to how I am in the moment. I was never one for  following steps or choreography. The path I found allowed me to  easily   dive into the visceral, wild exploration of the dance, fully  express   all of my parts, lose myself in the dance, find myself in new  ways, transform and transcend.

 I am blessed and grateful for the journey which led me to find the right  practices for me - practices anchored in physical and emotional  embodiment, which are mind and heart opening, connecting to soul  and spirit. I am also grateful for the honor to teach and accompany  others on their journey.

 I look forward to meeting you when our paths cross.





 Tel Aviv Summer Dance 

 Tuesdays, 7:50pm-9:50pm

 Country Lamed, Burla 31

 Summer classes open to all begin July 5th - August 23rd.

 Drop-ins welcome! Contact me before class to make sure there is room.

 In some classes we dance Open Floor 

 and in other classes we dance Five  Rhythms.

 We take good care these days and arrive to the dance floor only in good   health and symptom-free.

 Drop-in fee: 100 NIS

 During the academic year we practice in a closed group.

 participation with pre registration only. 

 In some classes we dance Open Floor 

 and in other classes we dance Five  Rhythms.


 For more details contact me:


 Jerusalem Summer Dance

 Wednesdays, 8:00 pm - 21:45 pm

 Gonnenim Music and Dance Center

 Eliezer Hagadol 2

 Summer classes open to all begin July 6th - August 31st.

 Drop-ins welcome! Contact me before class to make sure there is room.

 In some classes we dance Open Floor 

 and in other classes we dance Five  Rhythms.

 We take good care these days and arrive to the dance floor only in good   health and symptom-free.

 Drop-in fee: 90 NIS

 During the academic year we practice in a closed on-going group

 every other Wednesday, 8:15pm-10:30pm

 in Vertigo dance studio, Betzalel 11

 participation with pre registration only. 

 In some classes we dance Open Floor 

 and in other classes we dance Five  Rhythms.


 For more details contact me:


 Synapse Group

 On-going committed group.

 Every other Thursday, September - July 

 Yearly registration.

 Prior work with me required.


 Open Floor Workshops  


 Island Dance Retreat

 Paros, Greece

 September 16-20 2022

 Annual retreat workshop in Tao's Center,

 Paros island, Greece.

 For the Flyer with all details:

 Island Dance Retreat




 Wisdom & Power  


 Contact me for future dates:




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